(mfers x Meta Watches)
Presale / Whitelist
11th-12th March 2022
Public Mint
from 12th March 2022
Collection Size
Maximum 7635 Pieces
mfer Presale Price
0.024 ETH
Public Mint Price
0.042 ETH


The official unofficial wrist watches for mfers.

The original mfers are an artwork series of Sartoshi. When we saw the wrist watches on the mfers artwork collection for the first time, we knew we had to give them Metawatches functionality! Fortunately, mfers are released under the CC0 license, making it simple to use them for our own NFT collection!

There are 10,000 mfers in the original NFT collection. 7635 of them wear watches on their wrists.

And here we are: 7635 mfatch pieces!

10% of all minting sales will be donated to the officially unofficial mfers treasury.

Read more about the background story of the mfers artwork series here.


Is this an official partnership?
No. And that's the beauty of it. mfers are meant to be used in derivative projects. Like Sartoshi said, “there is no king, ruler, or defined roadmap - and mfers can build whatever they can think of with these mfers”.

How long will the mint phase be?
Currently, we have not set a limit.